Benefits Of A Root Canal Treatment

Do you make sure to visit your dentist at least twice a year to check on your oral health? Learn why dental visits are so important.

Benefits Of A Root Canal Treatment

17 November 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A root canal is commonly performed to treat a tooth that has become infected. Additionally, the procedure can help remedy chronic dental sensitivity.

Many people are hesitant about root canal procedures because they believe that the treatments are painful. However, before an endodontic treatment is performed, the dentist applies a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. Additionally, the dentist may offer an oral sedative to help ensure that the patient is comfortable and calm throughout the treatment. Once the area around the designated tooth is anesthetized, the patient should feel no pain, and the treatment can be completed comfortably.

There are multiple benefits to receiving a root canal treatment. Here are a few of them.

No More Pain

Often, the need for a root canal is apparent because of the amount of pain associated with the tooth. Deep cavities, trauma to a tooth, and dental infections can irreparably damage the pulp, resulting in painful toothaches.

A tooth is comprised of multiple layers. The innermost is the pulp. The pulp is made up of soft living tissue that includes the nerves and blood supply of the tooth. When the pulp is damaged, the dental nerves may become inflamed, causing continual discomfort. The throbbing dental pain can be so excruciating and relentless that it prevents patients from eating, sleeping, and performing routine daily tasks.

During a root canal procedure, the dentist extracts the pulp from the tooth. The extraction removes the inflamed nerves and relieves the pain associated with the tooth.

Tooth Preservation

Without a root canal procedure, a tooth may require extraction. Most people desire to preserve as many of their natural teeth as possible. Nevertheless, an infected tooth or one with a large, deep cavity may not be salvageable without an endodontic procedure.

Once a tooth is lost, it can no longer stimulate the jawbone to help the bone tissue remain thick and healthy. Additionally, the tooth can no longer block the migration of adjacent teeth. The root canal allows the natural tooth to remain in place, avoiding the issues that frequently stem from tooth loss.

Infection Elimination

When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected, the associated microbes may enter the bloodstream, spreading the infection to other areas of the body. A root canal procedure removes the infected pulp. Additionally, it eliminates the bacteria from the tooth's interior. The dentist disinfects the interior chambers and canals of the tooth before filling and covering the structure with a dental crown.

To learn more about root canals, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.