Do you make sure to visit your dentist at least twice a year to check on your oral health? Learn why dental visits are so important.

Benefits Of A Root Canal Treatment

17 November 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A root canal is commonly performed to treat a tooth that has become infected. Additionally, the procedure can help remedy chronic dental sensitivity. Many people are hesitant about root canal procedures because they believe that the treatments are painful. However, before an endodontic treatment is performed, the dentist applies a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. Additionally, the dentist may offer an oral sedative to help ensure that the patient is comfortable and calm throughout the treatment. Read More …

If A Toothache Stops, Does That Mean The Problem Is Resolved?

11 October 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Having a toothache is a pain and a nuisance, so it may seem like a relief to wake up one day and notice that the pain is gone. While you might be breathing a sigh of relief, the issue may not be over yet. If you had a tooth that was extremely painful and now doesn't hurt, here's what you should know. Why It Hurts When a tooth hurts, it's usually due to trauma, like a sudden impact, or from a wound or infection. Read More …

Can You Get Dental Implants If You Have Arthritis?

26 August 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

In the medical field, contraindications are reasons — like certain habits, medications, symptoms, or conditions—that would make a particular treatment inadvisable. If you have arthritis, you may wonder if that would be a contraindication for a dental implant procedure. Ultimately, every scenario is different. Some patients with arthritis may be good candidates for implants, while others may not. Read on to learn more about how arthritis affects implants and how to improve your success rates. Read More …

Five Foods That Will Contribute To Having A Healthier Smile

20 July 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Keeping your gums and teeth healthy is not just about brushing and flossing regularly. It also has a lot to do with the foods that you eat on a regular basis, with them mainly being unprocessed, unsweetened, and full of fiber. Here are a few foods that you incorporate into your diet if you want to have a healthier mouth.  Yogurt and Cheese Your teeth need calcium to become strong, and there should be no surprise that there is a lot of it in dairy products. Read More …

Tips for Establishing a Good Oral Care Routine for Your Kids

9 June 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Maintaining the health of your child's teeth is very important, and the parents are largely responsible for helping them develop a good routine. If you're not sure how to do this, consider these tips that will establish healthy oral care for years to come. Let Them Pick Out a Toothbrush and Toothpaste If you want your child to be excited about brushing their teeth, they need to be excited about using their toothbrush. Read More …